Keep It Saussie Logo with rainbow background and 2 outlines of Sam on the left and Aussie on the right

Empower. Motivate. Inspire. Uplift.

Welcome to Keep it Saussie!

We are so excited that we get to be a part of your journey, whether for a weekend or for a permanent residency! This has truly been a dream come true for us and years in the making. We can't believe that we have finally made it here, but know there are so many more adventures to come! We know that you were led here for a reason and look forward to discovering it with you! For those who don't know much about us or our journey, we'll give you a quick little summary below:

The Keep It Saussie Instagram was born in July 2020 and by mid-2021, with a solid 120 subscribers, they were invited to join the cast of the first season of The Ultimatum: Queer Love.

they continue to dedicate their efforts and utilize this amazing opportunity to advocate for human rights, equity, inclusion, social justice, environmental justice, and sustainability, amongst many others.

Progress Pride flag
Isolated Law Balance Flat Design
Environment Logo Icon
Mental Health Icon
Equity icon

Human Rights

Justice 4 All


Mother Earth


Mental Health

& Wellness


Rainbow Watercolor Background
Rainbow Watercolor Background


AAPI Culturally-Responsive Mental Healthcare Services

*We may receive compensation when using our links and/or discount codes

Copyright 2022-2024 KIS LLC